


Frequently Asked Questions

When can I buy tickets?

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased here.

Can I bring a Gazebo?

A limited number of Gazebo pitches will be available to purchase but they sell out fast. Strict Terms and Conditions apply so please read these prior to purchasing a pitch.

Can I bring my own food and drinks into the Festival?

We provide a fantastic range of food options on site.  However, you are welcome to bring your own food, as long as it does not involve cooking or barbeques, which are not allowed on site.

No alcohol can be brought into the Festival but there will be a huge selection of alcoholic drinks on sale at reasonable prices.  Soft drinks will also be on sale but these can be brought in by ticket holders. Please note that NO GLASS of any kind will be allowed on site - this is a safety issue as the Festival takes place on the school playing field.

Please note that only those with adult wrist bands will be able to buy and consume alcohol on the day.

Can I leave the Festival and return later?

Yes, re-entry is allowed, but ONLY with a valid, un-damaged wrist band. You must therefore not remove the wrist band if you wish to re-enter the Festival.

Thanks to Our sponsors

Without their generous support, this event could not take place.

Want to join the fun?

Don't delay, buy your tickets today and join us on Sat 4th July for the 5th biennial Festival on the Field!
> TicketS